Section: Dissemination


  • Florence Besse was a reviewer for EMBO reports and Cell Mol Life Sci. and for the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Projets Emergence).

  • Laure Blanc-Féraud was a reviewer for the journal Signal Image and Video Processing, IEEE TMI, was associate editor for the journal Traitement du Signal. She was reviewer for program PEPII of CNRS and program LEFE/MANU of CNRS/INSU. She was reviewer of a PhD thesis at University of Liege, at University of Saint Etienne, at University of Grenoble, and reviewer for an HDR at Univeristy of Paris 13. She was member of the editorial committee of NCMIP 2011 and 2012, RFIA 2012. She is reviewer for IEEE ICASSP and IEEE ISBI.

  • Xavier Descombes was a regular reviewer for IEEE TIP, IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TGARS, Traitement du Signal and GRETSI'11. He was a reviewer for the ANR . He was reviewer of two Ph.D.  dissertations and one HDR dissertation.

  • Daniele Graziani was a reviewer for the journal "Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision"

  • Koray Kayabol was a reviewer for the journals IEEE TIP, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, Digital Signal Processing, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Signal Image and Video Processing.

  • Vladimir Krylov was a reviewer for the journals IEEE TIP, IEEE TGRS, IEEE GRSL, IEEE JSTARS, Pattern Recognition Letters and Signal Processing.

  • Florent Lafarge was a referee for IEEE TPAMI, ACM TOG, IEEE TIP, JPRS, PERS, DSP, IEEE CVPR'11, IEEE ICCV'11, IEEE ICIP'11, ICVNZ'11. He reviewed proposals for the Czech Science Foundation and the Romanian National Council for Development and Innovation.

  • Josiane Zerubia was a regular reviewer for TS (Traitement du Signal) and SFPT (Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection). She was a reviewer and a program committee member for ICASSP'11, ISBI'11 and ICIP'11, as member of the IEEE BISP TC and IEEE IVMSP TC, and for SPIE-ISPRS'11 (`Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing'), ISPA'11, EMMCVPR'11, GRETSI'11, TAIMA'11, ICPRAM'12, ICASSP'12. She was a reviewer of one HdR and of 5 PhD theses in France and abroad, and member of one PhD committee. Furthermore, she was also reviewer of 4 PhD theses for the SPECIF Gilles Kahn PhD prize.